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male medical examination

Updated on July 13, 2011

Medical Examinations Required Of All Men

There are several types of medical examinations required of all men in order to maintain the health and also to detect if the disease at an early stage. In my view, curiosity-related health information is justified in order to understand the level of health care. As we all know, prevention is better than cure and health care important to know the appropriate age requirements. Here are some of his medical examination that can undergo:

Annually Medical Examination You Must Do

1) Test cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is a fatty protein in blood that can lead to blockage of the vessels where a high level. Blood cholesterol level of information can aid efforts to gauge the relative health risks for heart disease and heart disease. There are two types of cholesterol is HDL, or High-density lipoprotein and LDL or low density lipoprotein. HDL cholesterol is 'good' and may protect against heart disease is cholesterol, while LDL is "bad." Higher LDL levels to the risk of heart disease. This test can be done as early as age 20 years with the frequency of the test every two to five years depending on the normal level. If the level is abnormal, the test should be repeated every six months or by the doctor.

2) Blood Pressure

This examination is very easy and important. The information is important to avoid serious diseases such as stroke and coronary heart disease. Studies show that one in every five adults, about 50 million people worldwide suffering from high blood pressure. When blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mmHg, it can be very stressful on the heart and in the long term this situation can be dangerous. This inspection is not about age, but good start in the early teens with a frequency of once a year if in normal conditions or following doctor's instructions if the pressure is not normal.

3) Blood Screening for diabetes / diabetic

Blood examination should be carried out in fast. This examination is known as fasting blood sugar. "If the results show a high level, your doctor will advise his test 'glucose tolerance test' to confirm the symptoms of diabetes. This examination involves the taking of blood after you have given sugary drinks. It can be done at the age of 45 years if the relative no diabetes risk factors such as overweight or family history of disease. If relatives are overweight and family history or symptoms of diabetes, you need to undergo a blood test this early. The frequency of testing is every three years for a normal person.

4) bone density test

Men also can have problems with reduced strength of bone known as osteoporosis. "Studies show that after age 50 years, six percent of men suffering from hip fractures, and five percent suffering from spine fracture due to osteoporosis and its percentage increases with advancing age. When one gets older, minerals such as calcium in the body will start to decrease. Combine that with the lower level of testosterone that causes brittle bones. Male 65 years should have already undergone this test. However, men who are at risk of osteoporosis, such as patients taking drugs 'corticosteroids' or have fractures should undergo this test earlier.

5) Screening Colonoscopy

colorectal cancer involves cancer of the large intestine and lower intestine (rectum) often affects men and is treatable if detected early. To detect at an early stage, one must undergo a colonoscopy. This test involves a tool that has a camera tube be inserted into the anus and into the large intestine. Through this examination, the entire colon can be examined, and any other tumors or signs of colon cancer can be detected and take biopsy if needed. It can be done at the age of 50 years if no risk factors.

6) Inspection points

There are many diseases that can cause blindness such as glaucoma can be prevented with regular eye examinations. According to the Academy Oftahmologi United States (U.S.), there are approximately 43 million Americans suffer eye problems due to aging, and only about a third of its people to undergo regular eye examinations. It can be done at the age of 18 years with a frequency of one to three years as the age of 18 to 61 years depending on the recommendations of doctors. For people with diabetes, the risk for vision problems is higher and they have to undergo more frequent screening.

7) The examination of the testicles

Cancer of the testicles often occur in men between the ages of 15 to 34 years. If detected early, 90 percent of cancer of the testicles can be cured. This examination can be done yourself by holding the testicles between your thumb and index finger, the surface of the testicles should be felt to detect bumps, the area became hard or enlarged testicles. If you have symptoms, you need to see a doctor. Inspection done after puberty, with the frequency of each month.

8) Examination of prostate cancer

examination should be done. First through a physical exam where the doctor inserts a finger into the anus to see if there are bumps on the hard things which indicate prostate cancer. Blood test is called the test "Prostate Specific Antigen" (PSA). Consult your doctor before choosing to undergo initial PSA test. This examination can be done at the age of 50 but must be done five years earlier if any close relatives such as father, brother or uncle who has cancer.

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